Sunday, January 8, 2012

Argument of the Sun and the Moon

Fabric Dye and Food Coloring on Watercolor Paper
22 x 26 
This is an experimental painting using food coloring and fabric dye.  I was deconstructing traditional textile motifs and reconstructing them into random compositions.  The color is a play a warms and cool colors to create contrast as desired.  The food coloring and fabric dye react to salt and alcohol in a similar manner to watercolor paints.  The dyes are fun to work with and the colors so vibrant.

Mare and Foal

Oil on canvas

I saw these two in Colorado many years ago.  Their colors were so soft.  I love painting white horses. It gives me the opportunity to show volume and light with warm and cool colors.  I am with the Impressionists in the school of thought of never using black. 
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Acrylic on canvas
24 x 30
I painted this recently after teaching a class on Matisse and his patterns.  I incorporate patterns into my work. often as the image.  I began experimenting with patterns as part of the image after reviewing Matisse and his work.  Sometimes the color takes over, sometimes the pattern takes precedence and sometimes the imagery wins.  

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